Photo courtesy of Chesapeake Bay Program


A group of volunteers pose in front of the Crooked Branch Ravine Park sign with their trash bags.

Project Clean Stream Kicks-off the Fall Season Collecting 2,850 Pounds of Trash!

In recognition of the National Day of Service on Wednesday, September 11, The Alliance kicked off the fall 2024 Project Clean Stream season in Pennsylvania, Annapolis, Washington, DC, and Virginia!

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What’s Poppin’? Phenological Fun: Wingstem

Keep an eye out for wingstem (also called yellow ironweed) as the summer wraps up!

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A person in the foreground taking a photo of someone holding onions in a garden.

Visual media has a role in saving the Chesapeake

Before the summer of 2014, I had hardly ever set foot in the Chesapeake watershed. Then I started a job that would take me all across its 64,000 square miles. As a photojournalist, I document the region — its people, places and wildlife — for stories published on the Chesapeake Bay Program’s website.

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A close up of a black and white disk over water

Below the Surface of Monitoring: Water Clarity

Water clarity is instrumental in determining the health of the Chesapeake Bay, and has an unquantifiable impact. For one, aquatic organisms rely on light for photosynthesis, especially at depths. When light is limited, food chains are affected from the bottom-up. In addition, some fauna rely on light to see prey and navigate.

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A young volunteer smiles and holds up a grill lid

Project Clean Stream: Spring Recap

Every year, Project Clean Stream (PCS) hosts several trash pickups, drawing tens of thousands of volunteers to come together with the common goal of cleaning up and promoting the health and restoration of their local waterways.

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A green garden in the foreground, people working in the background

Conexiones de Agua – 4 years of Impacts with St. Catherine

In 2021, the Alliance and ecoLatinos set forth to partner on a new project: The Greening of St. Catherine Labouré. In total, this project helped educate hundreds of Spanish and English-speaking parishioners, engage 60+ volunteers, and install over 2,000 square feet of green stormwater infrastructure.

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The How and Why of Conservation Tillage

The spring and summer seasons are a very busy period on farms and in farm country, specifically for those who grow crops and produce. As temperatures warm, farmers start preparing the ground for planting season. Arguably, the most important part is tilling.

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a closeup of fluffy seeds been blown by the wind

Achenes and Samaras and Nuts, Oh My!

With autumn just around the corner, a shift is occurring in the reproductive stage of trees – the unique flowers that have consumed spring and summer are becoming seeds!

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A closeup of a yellowish plant with purple tips

What’s Poppin’? Phenological Fun: Autumn Coralroot

Commonly called autumn coralroot, this unique orchid is one of 11 other species of terrestrial orchids and is native to the eastern and central U.S. as well as some parts of Canada and Mexico.

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A group of people smiling and talking

Celebrate Our 2024 Taste Award Winners

One of our favorite parts of the Taste is honoring individuals who have gone above and beyond to help improve the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

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